1.Research ideas and methodologies:
Kathmandu University has been conducting numerous researches on several fields like climate change, renewable bio-energy, cancer, computational mathematics, engineering structures, music, among others, under the direct supervision of numerous experienced Professors. The event expects its speaker(s) to uncover the outcomes of those research and development activities.
2.Perks of being multidisciplinary:
Kathmandu University harbors people in a multitude of disciplines such as science, engineering, arts, education, law, management, and medical sciences. Speaker(s) with involvement in more than one sectors will shed light on what it takes to be multidisciplinary, and its impacts on the society.
3.The importance of technology, computation and networking:
Even in the wake of accessible cutting-edge technologies, affordable advanced computers, and increased internet connectivity, the community in general still lags behind in understanding their full essence and potential impacts. Given this scenario, the speaker(s) will elucidate the degree of impacts the outer world has been experiencing. Their focus shall also remain on how the said fields can actually make a difference in a person’s life.
4.Individual agency:
Change is merely possible when it is first commenced at an individual level amidst all the crises, problems and barriers. TEDxKathmanduUniversity also intends to illustrate the audience via its powerful speaker(s) that how a person can recognize a cause and devise a solution, all by connecting the necessary dots in between.